SCUBA QUIZ: Can You Identify these Marine Life Species?
You think you know something about marine life? Test your knowledge and impress your dive buddies! Learn to identify more fish and other marine life. No need for scientific names, this quiz is easy and fun!
Do you know the names of these four marine life creatures? Click on the photos to enlarge.

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Blacktip reef shark!

Coconut octopus!


Did you know there is a difference between a Blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) and a Blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus)?
You can seperate the two easily by their dorsal fin, the big one on their back/on the top. Blacktip reef sharks have a large black tip with often a white line underneath it. Blacktip sharks only have a small black tip on their dorsal fin and are also called Oceanic Blacktips.
The Cococnut octopus is a funny octopus that walks along the sea bed and uses coconut shells, sea shells and even glass bottles for shelter.
Did you notice the Flatworm gliding over the tail of the Lizardfish?
Scorpionfish are often mistaken for Stonefish (who live in the Indo-Pacfic only). How to see the difference? Scorpionfish are more 'fishlike' and have their mouth facing forward instead of up and slightly backwards (grumpy look).
How many names did you got right? Mention your score below!
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Marlies Wolters
Founder of Dive O'Clock "It's dive o'clock somewhere!"
Founder of Dive O'Clock "It's dive o'clock somewhere!"

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