Whale Sharks in Baja California, Mexico.
Whale Shark Trips Guided by a Marine Biologist in Mexico
Seeing a whale shark for the first time is really breathtaking, especially underwater you get an experience you will never forget. There is no reason to be scared about seeing a whale shark but there are reasons why we should protect them from 'us'. Join a trips and participate in marine conservation.
One of the most magnificent creatures of the sea are whale sharks. They are huge (>12 meters), they move elegant in the water and have a beautiful pattern of white dots and stripes on their skin. Did you know that those dots and stripes are the easiest way to identify them?
This filter-feeding shark is the biggest fish in the world and harmless for us. They open their massive mouth to allow nutrient-rich water to flow in and with their gills they strain out their food, mostly zooplankton.
Join one of the trips with a marine biologist and he will explain you all about whale sharks while taking you for a close encounter! If you like you can even help with marine conservation by taking photos and helping with their identification. Fun and helpful!
Whale Shark Trip Details
This half-day trip takes 3 hours and includes:
- Snorkeling equipment
- Refreshments
- Licensed boat with certified captain
- Certified marine biologist guide
Whale shark season runs from October to January every year.
Please contact us for availability and prices.
Whale sharks are very common (there are hundreds of them around) during the season but we can not guarantee them on every trip.
Note that SCUBA diving with whale sharks is against the law in Mexico.

Whale Shark identification in Baja California, Mexico.

Marine Biologist Jay Gittens in La Paz
Meet marine biologist Jay Gittens
You have the opportunity to learn all about marine biology and conservation at a mind blowing location. Marine biologist Jay Gittens, a good friend of Marlies, will be leading the expedition. Since they worked together on various projects over the last few years promoting epic trips to the Baja California followed naturally.
Jay is born and raised in the UK, he has been living in Mexico since 2010. He is a marine biologist, MSc, and the founder & Project director of Whale Shark Diaries, dedicated to the protection of whale sharks through research, awareness and education. In the region he is well known for his marine conservation actions through various projects.
Jay conducts volunteer programs and internship with his organization Whale Shark Diaries. He has been teaching and guiding people about the important marine conservation work in the Baja California for years. Since 2016 he also organizes eco-tourism adventures around La Paz.
Jay is also a PADI dive instructor and owner of a dive center in La Paz.
If you need any help don't hesitate to contact us at travel@diveoclock.com or call via Skype: Dive O'Clock - Marlies (time zone in profile).

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